Areas of Expertise

Strategic Design
UX Design

"Where are you from?" This question has always put me on the spot. Currently, New York is my home base. Though my birthplace is Palo Alto, California, my childhood was spent in China, specifically in Beijing and Shanghai for a dozen years. Eventually, I relocated to Wellesley, Massachusetts before heading to New York to pursue my college education.

Being a globetrotter has broadened my perspective about cultures and their influence on our worldview. These multi-cultural experiences form a crucial part of my design ethos.

My focus rests on product strategy, user-centric design, branding, and marketing. I relish the practice of design through strategic planning and research. During my educational years at Parsons, I've carried out over 30 personal interviews as a part of my design journey.

I believe that the success of a project is based on good collaboration and strategic research.

Fun Facts about me!

  • I’m a huge museum and gallery nerd, and being surrounded by art inspires me

  • I have traveled to more than 22 countries

  • I'm half American and half Chinese :)
